The COPRA RF-ICP Plasma Beam Technology based on its inductively coupled 13,56 MHz excitation. Scalable from R&D to more or less any kind of industrial production scale the COPRA´s unrivaled characteristics allows one to work with constant basic plasma parameters. This means that your process result is not negatively affected by scaling in this and speed as long as the right power level is adjusted. The COPRA RF-ICP sources are working gas independent, reliable and maintenance poor. This makes them perfectly suited to full-fill your process and application needs. The Standard COPRA delivers a high ion current (ICD) at constantly low ion energies (IE) which can be easily controlled and adjusted if needed. The always integrated RF-Matching-Network as well as the possibility of customization and freedom of scalability completes our portfolio.
The COPRA Round Plasma Sources (DN-Series) enables to process wafer sized substrates. The precise control of Ion Energy at different power levels coupled with high Ion current density enable intelligent control of process related energies. The customizable design of these COPRA Round Plasma Sources facilitate particle poor thermal stable and stress less etching and deposition. The COPRA Round Plasma Sources (DN-Series) are key components in wafer-sized semiconductor or in the precision optics productions and are easily scalable to serve customized dimensional needs.
The COPRA Round Plasma Sources are suitable for…